Project Details
Create a self-portrait illustration for a social media profile (Facebook).
This project consists of two parts - 1. profile image and 2. cover image.
Part 1
Part 2
Project Specs
Prohibited Elements
Create a self-portrait illustration for a social media profile (Facebook).
This project consists of two parts - 1. profile image and 2. cover image.
Part 1
- Use a creative photo of yourself from the waste up that expresses your personality. Be creative, the more creative the more interesting your self-portrait will be.
- Use tracing paper, draw over your image breaking it down into its basic forms—highlights, mid-tones, and shadows.
- Digitize your photo and drawings.
- Using only the pen tools form vector paths for each color tonality - highlights, mid-tones, and shadows. Use the pathfinder to eliminate overlapping paths.
- Design the forms and color to emphasize your concept (i.e. express your personality).
Part 2
- Expand on the definition of self created in part 1.
- Visually tell the audience your story.
- Avoid the cliché and material that is copyrighted.
- Design so that the form and color create a consistent message with your profile image.
Project Specs
- Part 1 - Dimensions / orientation: 170px x 170px / square
- Part 2 - Dimensions / orientation: 828px x 315px / Landscape
- Color space: RGB (this project is meant to be viewed on a screen)
- Document all image sources. You are required to submit a bibliography with your project.
- Your file should be organized in layers - do not forget to name them appropriately.
Prohibited Elements
- No driver's license, passport, "super-modelesque", etc. photos.
- No text / words allowed. Must express your concept using visual language.
- No gradients in the profile image, however, gradients can be used in the cover image.
Templates You Need
Artists to Check Out
Backup Your Work!
Late work will not be accepted.
Be sure to back up your work in at least two places:
- on your external or cloud drive
- on the campus server - instructions are on the table by the windows. Remember that no late work will be accepted.